
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Keeping Busy

I have been a slacker of a poster but I have been keeping busy. One project I have been working on I have to keep under wraps for a while -- it's a present that has yet to be given.

Another mini project I have been working on today I saved until the last minute so it is in the mail to the show as we speak. I do have pictures from my phone, so I will try to see if they are postable later today.

Finally, I spent some of Monday and all day yesterday printing (an edition of about 200!) the joint artwork Melanie and I have been working on. I am really excited for it. I love the collaborative effort. It is a six color screen print that we have been working on solely via the internet (since she is in California and I am in Massachusetts). Enjoy.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Ok. This is my motivation to work on my website! :)